Re-Image Square Dance - a committee of
ARTS - Alliance of Round, Traditional and Square Dance

Items pictured below are for YOU
to advertise square dancing!!!
All profits go to the Re-Imaging Program of THE ARTS.
Re-Imaging profits will be used for future advertising of Square Dancing.
And many thanks go to the people in the CALLERLAB booth in the
National Convention Vendors Hall for displaying these promo items.

Pictured to the left are items offered below on this page. At the top is the very popular licence plate frame, which can be ordered with the tabs at the top or bottom. The small round logos in the center have stick-on backings, the iron-on patches are suitable for clothing and the 4-inch stickers at lower left are popular for car windows. Ordering information is listed with the item.
NEW IN 2020!!!
Live Lively round logos, with a stick-on backing. These
are ready for you to wear on your jacket; stick on your purse, computer or telephone; place on your briefcase or calendar.
They are one and one half inches in diameter, and can be mailed in a size 10 envelope---strips of 10 for $1.00, 50 for $4.00. Phone: 303-795-3278, or email: .

NEW IN 2019:
Live Lively embroidered iron-on patches
Do you have shirts, jackets, caps, etc., with other logos on them? This is a great way to advertise our sport! Great give-aways too, for dancers in your club. Phone: 303-795-3278, or email: to order. $1.00 each
NEW IN 2018:
These frames are available now, and were brought to the 67th NSDC in Kansas City. They are sold individually for $5.00, 10 or more for $4.00 each. To date, there are somewhere around 1000 licence plate frames sold and acting as moving billboards!
These frames can be ordered to your states' requirements of the tabs being on the top or bottom, to allow for the date stickers. For an order of these popular items, phone or email: 303-795-3278, or

Car window stickers are STILL available!
These are vinyl stickers (the "slogo"}, approximately 4" X 3", to go on the outside of surfaces. They have been given out since the 64th National Square Dance Convention. They have also been mailed out to those who ordered them. These popular stickers are available in packets of 12 for $5.00, or individually for 50 cents each. Phone: 303-795-3278, or email: .
In 2016 a NOTE PAD give-away item was created to entice people to come to the ARTS Seminars at the 65th NSDC in Des Moines. It was a small blank pad with the Re-Imaging Web site on the back. The supply is depleted.

(Terminated, due to up-coming projects; below is a summary of the project)
We have discontinued making the 1-inch pins with the new logo and slogan, called a "slogo". The pins were given out as a promo to publicize the Live Lively theme. It was the stepping stone to future projects. There have been many festivals and conventions in which pins were distributed---at least 29 U.S. states, and 8 different countries, as far as we know!
We had created "Pin Kits" for volunteers to help with assembly. The kits contained 50 of each: 1" mirror tiles, printed paper "slogos", pin backs, and directions with a sample. Over 100 pin kits were given to volunteers who agreed to help glue on the papers and pin backs. And over 9000 finished pins were made and distributed! Look for these at some of your events. CALLERLAB has graciously sold these at Conventions for the Live Lively project, in bags of 50 for $6.00.


A Continuing Fund-Raiser for ARTS
and the Re-Imaging Project:
Available in limited quantities is a "Slogo Bolo", with a donation of $15. Strings are black (but we have a few colored ones) with either gold or silver tips. The mirrored bolo itself is 1 1/2" X 2". All profits go to the Re-Imaging Project!
Live Lively and support the future of Square Dancing!

This is the polo shirt with the "slogo" and a pocket; the back is plain.
CALLERLAB's Ways and Means still has a few shirts and items, with the new logo and "slogo" (silk screened T-shirt on right). Call or write to Dana Schirmer to see which ones they have left.
Embroidered shirts (polo shirt shown on left) are available at If you are looking into this for yourself, know that it takes a special and separate computer program for different sewing machines---you will have to check different sources.

This is the T-shirt with the logo and "Square Dance!" on the left front, and the full "slogo" on the back.
Order a banner for your club or convention!
Also at the 64th NSDC, a new "Live Lively" banner was displayed at The ARTS Showcase table and various dances. This banner is 6' x 2'; it was ordered from and cost around $30.00! (You can order one like this, or modify it for your own club.) Here is a picture of it: