Re-Image Square Dance - a committee of
ARTS - Alliance of Round, Traditional and Square Dance

Old News
(Older than a few months)
ARTS E-News:
E-News 2015-010
E-News 2015-012

The original five year plan

Spotted in Westcliffe, Colorado at the Hi Country Dance Weekend!
Fred Layberger writes: "It's not ours. It belongs to a couple from Colorado Springs. The only name I can remember is his first name is Sam. A friend of theirs painted it on their RV."
This gives us more ideas:
How 'bout that building in front, or a giant corn maze, or...
A Facebook page has been created:
Presentation at 2015 CALLERLAB session
The "Live Lively" status update was presented with the Marketing Committee at the CALLERLAB Convention in Springfield, Missouri (2015). Look at this on the "Documents" tab on this web site.
Also at the CALLERLAB Convention, Cal Campbell recorded several short videos of Mike Hogan and Mike Seastrom giving different versions of why they like Square Dancing so much. These were put on Facebook; you can see them in the dropbox by clicking on: (Mike Hogan) and (Mike Seastrom).
1. Make 4- to 6-inch stickers of the logo for outside car windows, as sports fans have.
Done: Ordered 4" X 3" stickers---1000---as of 4-22-15---Received on 5-4-15; made two more orders of 1000 each---see "Pins & Promos" bar. Many orders through 2018.
2. Give "Pin Kits" to dancers in many other locations---let them take the finished pins to their own conventions and festivals. Done
3. Have embroidered logos on polo shirts for sale at conventions (CALLERLAB is arranging this for the June 64th NSDC in New England). Done: Available at the 64th and beyond.
4. Make a large (6' X 2' approx.) banner for display at dance conventions. Done: Ordered on 4-24-15--- Received in New England for the 64th NSDC, displayed in Showcase and at Re-Image sessions, and following conventions.

These are some modifications of the logo, which were created by Jody Starling, a professional on websites and technical info, and a square dancer, who lives in Virginia. He gives permission to copy these, giving him credit for the creation.
There have already been many uses of these new designs--- enameled cups, Ways and Means items, such as embroidered shirts, towels, etc.; brochures and posters, stickers, pins, letterheads, magnetic signs and bumper stickers, bolos, and some we hadn’t even thought of! The logo recently was part of a design that won a contest, with 27 entries. Over 150 Square Dancers wore the design on their T-shirts at Denver's Coors Field exhibition in July!
See pictures of examples by clicking on "The 4-page Explanation of the logo, slogan, "slogo", and examples....", and "Two more pages..." on the "Documents" tab on this web site.