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Price Comparison of Colorado Funeral Homes

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We are happy to provide basic pricing and other information to you, the consumer, as a volunteer endeavor by the board of FCSC. The spreadsheet can be sorted by you by clicking on the up and down arrows in each heading, such as sorting by County or City, whichever is most helpful to you. Be sure to expand your search to include funeral establishments up to a 30 mile radius to access the best pricing.

Of course pricing isn't the only criteria to consider, but it is a starting point. Also consider ownership of the provider (we love our family-run providers!) and take a look at any notes we have provided about a provider's unique aspects. When you make your inquiry phone calls, pay attention to how you are treated and how your questions are answered.

If you need assistance with your pre-planning or time-of-need planning, call or email us and a volunteer will get back to you as soon as possible.


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